Monday, June 20, 2011

What a day...Monday, June 20,2011

We began our day at the Oturgang Girls School where we we given the welcome of a lifetime.  The Children met us at the street in a singing parade, they followed us in singing and clapping.  We were then greeted by the "Sisters" and given the biggest hugs ever, I mean really, really great hugs.  We were very disappointed to realize that the shelves in the library were not ready and we were unable to set up the was very hard for us to leave.  We are keeping our fingers crossed that the shelves will be completed this week and we can return.

Our second stop was Ayaka Primary School where we were also greeting like kings and treated to a play complete with costumes.  The Library turned out wonderfully and the kids were thrilled.  As we watched the children choose their first book we were pleasantly surprised to see how interested they seemed to be in Science..

more to come as soon as the computer get charged....

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